SICSR has long been associated with Internationalization via internal collaborations with various International Universities, namely Deakin University, Australia; Ritsumeikan University, Japan; Leeds Beckett University, UK and Dauphine University, France, along with some other European
The students of SICSR study one complete semester in those universities or do short-duration courses that benefit them in getting exposure to the international environment and study courses that give them additional knowledge. Internationalization across borders is achieved through
student semester exchange, Study abroad, summer school, and faculty mobility for teaching and research assignments, webinars and guest sessions by international delegates, participation in international conferences, etc.
Internationalization at home includes 60 international students pursuing various degree programs at SICSR. These students come from 16 countries, including Afro-Asian countries. SICSR has consistently supported approximately 20+ new international students yearly for full-time degree programs. SICSR attempts to provide a homely atmosphere to all international students by engaging them in festivals, celebrations on International days, inter-cultural days, sports competitions, NGO engagement, Industry internships and dissertations, Language courses, remedial classes, buddy programs, and volunteers for International cell. SICSR has a maximum number of foreign nationals under the SIU umbrella.