

Dive in GitHUB Workshop by SICSR ACM

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Date: 26th March 2021

Venue: Virtual Mode (Microsoft Teams)

Submitted by : MARIA QAISER

Speaker : Kumar Ashwin

Event Description:

Team SICSR ACM Student Chapters organized its first virtual workshop of this year on the topic “Dive in GITHUB”. The workshop started at 2:00 pm with the anchors (Nishank and Vishesh) welcoming the participants and introducing the speaker Kumar Ashwin (Cyber Security Enthusiast and Hacker). The speaker started the workshop with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. He went on explaining the agendas of the day in a précised manner and later he explained the topics ( Version Control, how GIT came into existence, steps of how to set up a repository, collaboration in GIT, and even gave a demo). He also made sure that each and every attendee gets a clear idea about what he is explaining and has a hands-on GIT and its resources. The speaker also shared the link of the resource (PPT) which he used as the reference in the workshop to all the attendees for their future purposes. Later the workshop had an impactful QnA session for all the attendees to answer all their doubts and queries. Kumar Ashwin made sure that each and every attendee got the best experience. The workshop concluded with a vote of thanks to all the attendees, speakers, and everyone present in the workshop.
A feedback form was also shared with all the attendees to ensure that the workshop was up to the mark in which we got amazing responses from the attendees thus the workshop was a complete success.

Event Poster


( Mr. Kumar Ashwin conducting the session on GitHUB )


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