Date: 5th January 2021
Venue: Virtual Mode (Microsoft Teams)
Submitted by : Simeen Khan Ayyub and Meghna Das
Event Description:
The event was anchored by Meghna Das and Simeen Khan Ayyub. The inauguration started off with the director’s hearty wishes and he addressed the occasion as the next milestone in the history of the IEEE SICSR Student Branch. Next, Dr. Rajashree Jain shared the inspiring story of her journey into the IEEE organization. Furthermore, Mr. Girish Khilari had put forward an opportunity to work together with IEEE SICSR student members, which can provide exposure to students and the projects can help in leading the vision of IEEE. Moreover, Mr. Jagdish Chaudhari highlighted the main cause of affordable agricultural labs as the benefit of small farmers and hence lifting them up. He stated that they encourage second and third-year students to join in for the cause as it forms a long-term window for the students to work on. As per their experience with the previous six labs established in other regions, the prototypes have been a sticking point and henceforth aims for going beyond it by productizing. The labs will lead to tremendous opportunity and hold hands in making India Atmanirbhar. Further, Dr. Amar Buchade showcased numerous events organized, awards and achievements received. Additionally, Dr. Pradeep Mane inspired the idea of helping farmers and offered support for collaboration with IEEE SICSR. Subsequently, the Section Student Representatives (SSR), Ms. Vaishnavi Nair and Mr. Siddharth Saoji shared their project and experiences, respectively. Next, the project teams gave a brief of their projects. Further, the IEEE membership drive took place which included the vision, achievements, process of becoming a member, and so on.
Guest of honors for IEEE Affordable Agriculture Labs and IEEE Membership Drive 2021
Dr. Jatindra Kumar Saini addressing the guest of honours and students