

User Experience and Interface Design

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Date: 10th February 2023

Venue: Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research

Submitted by : Aditya Tuteja

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Rajashree Jain, Professor at SICSR & Branch Counsellor at IEEE SICSR Student Branch

Event Description:

  • Number of participants:  106
  • Speakers:  1
  • Mr. Manish Patil- UI/UX Designer, also Alumni of SICSR

Event Details:  

Pravidhi-SICSR IEEE Pune Student Branch, in collaboration with SICSR Placement Team, organized a seminar on User Experience and Interface Design on February 25, 2023.
User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design are crucial elements of product development in today's world. Mr. Manish Patil, an expert in this field, discussed the role of UX and UI designers in developing user-centric products. Users' interactions with products, such as websites, apps, and physical objects, are beneficial, pleasurable, and convenient. Conversely, UI designers create graphic elements that users can interact with when using electronic devices.

Designers must adhere to an organized design phase to create successful products. Mr. Manish described the design process's five stages: empathize, define, conceive, prototype, and test. UX designers conduct interviews and research to understand users' needs during the empathies stage. Designers identify pain points and create personas and user stories during the define stage. Designers collaborate to generate creative ideas in the ideate stage and create wireframes and interactive prototypes in the prototype stage. Finally, designers conduct user testing and analyze user data in the test stage.

Depending on their needs, designers use various tools during the design process. Mr. Manish emphasized the importance of using design tools like Sketch, Figma, Framer, and Adobe Xd. He also discussed the three fidelity levels: low, medium, and high. A low-fidelity wireframe is a simple, rough representation of the product, whereas a medium-fidelity wireframe is much more detailed and more similar to the final UI design. A high-fidelity wireframe is the most accurate representation of the finished UI design, complete with UI components, images, icons, colors, fonts, buttons, and backgrounds. Prototyping is an essential component of the design process because it allows designers to develop a working product model that can be tested with users. This assists in identifying design flaws before product launch, minimizing costs and time.

Another crucial element of product development is the analysis of user data. Designers analyze user data using various tools, including heat maps, general surveys, and survey tools. Analyzing user data can assist designers in better understanding user behavior, desires, and joint issues. This data is subsequently utilized to enhance the product's design, ensuring that it meets users' needs while providing a satisfying user experience.
Mr. Manish stressed the significance of portfolios for designers. Portfolios present potential clients or employers with designers' skills, knowledge, and experience. They assist designers in standing out in a crowded job market by demonstrating their design concepts and process.

Mr. Manish concluded by emphasizing the significance of user-centered design, the planning process, developer tools, fidelity frames, prototyping, analyzing user data, and portfolios in creating successful products. Developers who comprehend these elements of the creation process can generate products that meet users' needs, are simple to use, and provide a pleasant user experience.

Photographs of the event:  


Mr. Manish, the speaker of the day, addressed the participants


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