

Awareness Seminar to avoid single use of plastics

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Date: 24th October 2021
Venue: Virtual Mode (Microsoft Teams)
Submitted by : Dr. Anuja Bokhare
Event Description:
Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research (SICSR) conducted a seminar on Awareness to Single use Plastic on October 24th, 2021 from 1:30 pm to 2:00 pm .

The Cultural Club conducted an online awareness session on Single Use Plastic which comes under the 75 week long campaign ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ launched by Government of India. This campaign not only commemorates the achievements but also motivates and encourages citizens to take positive steps for the growth of the country. “Awareness to avoid the use of single use plastics” has been identified as one of themes for the campaign with a view to gather momentum, scale visibility and outreach for the betterment of the country.

The event began with a short introduction by Aditya Narain. There was a brief speech by Toshali Kritika who talked about the history and effects of single use plastics, the cause of the campaign and some solutions that can be taken in direction of reducing usage of plastics. Then Vaishanvi Arora took over and talked about the production and usage of plastics and the impact on the world. In the final leg of the event, a short documentary by Mohammad Taha was presented which showed the story of plastics and harmful impacts to our environment. The event was closed by a vote of thanks by Vanshika Srivastava.

Introduction of the day by : Aditya Narain
Speech by Toshali Kritika
Speech byVaishnavi Arora
Documentary by Mohammad Taha

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