Date: 25th September 2021
Venue: Virtual Mode (Microsoft Teams)
Submitted by: Simeen Khan Ayyub, Meghna Das, Shatakshi Vishwakarma and Raibata Basu
Event Description:
The event started with a welcome address presented by Dr. Rajashree Jain, Branch Counselor, IEEE SICSR Pune Student Branch. The honourable Guest Speaker, Mr. Sunil Somani, IEEE SAC Chair, IEEE Pune Section, who presented his session where he briefed the audience about IEEE. Using a presentation, he touched upon topics like what is IEEE, how it works, the aim and vision of IEEE and how it will benefit us etc. For the next session, Mr. Gaurav Sonawane, former Sectional Student Representative shared his thoughts on IEEE and his journey in the same from being a student member, becoming student branch chair and finally being the Sectional Student Representative for IEEE Pune section in the year 2020. He shared various aspects of life at IEEE and how IEEE helps in life after college. The third session was presented by Ms. Nupur Kulkarni, Sectional Student Representative, IEEE Pune Section where she talked about IEEE and IEEE Pune Section presenting the audience with a clear perspective on the same. After each session, the speakers were presented with a virtual memento as a token of gratitude.
After the speakers enlightened us with their awe-inspiring sessions, our anchors Ms. Shatakshi Vishwakarma and Ms. Ayushi Khare took an in-depth view about IEEE and IEEE SICSR Pune Student Branch. Firstly, they briefed about IEEE and its membership benefits before describing IEEE SICSR Pune Student Branch. They gave a precise description about the affinity groups, WIE and SIGHT. went through the various events that it conducted. The IEEE A.A. Labs was also spotlighted. Subsequently, a brief of IEEE TEMS and TEMSMET, an Interdisciplinary Virtual Conference was given. They briefed about the various events held by IEEE SICSR Pune Student Branch in 2021 and its prestigious journey since 2019. Proceeding this information was delivered about IEEE Day, the special offers, numerous awards, scholarships bestowed by IEEE and the process of acquiring an IEEE Membership.
The session was followed by experience sharing given by the 2021 Core Team of IEEE SICSR Pune Student Branch, who are Ms. Meghna Das (Chairperson), Ms. Simeen Khan Ayyub (Co-Chair and Secretary), Ms. Shritama Sengupta (Co-Chair and SIGHT Secretary), Ms. Chhavi Trivedi (Webmaster), Ms. Diya Suthiv (Treasurer and Membership Development Lead ) and Ms. Aditi Kanojia (WIE Secretary).
The session was followed by a Q&A session. The event was concluded by Mr. Anshul Jayaswal who gave a Vote of Thanks to all the volunteers, the core team, the teachers and the audience for being able to make this event a success. This was followed by a Group Photo.
As a whole, the event was a success, and the feedback was astounding. It was an enlightening event that included key information about IEEE, IEEE SICSR Pune Student Branch, and its numerous facets and affinity groups, IEEE Day as well as experience sharing from IEEE SICSR Pune Student Branch and IEEE Pune Section members.