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The devastating consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, in terms of lives lost and damage to society, has been enormous and continue to rise. The repercussions on people's livelihoods and economies around the world have been profound and are likely to be long-lasting. Governments are attempting to reopen parts of their economies in addition to preventing further economic harm while also managing the obvious health risks.
This pandemic is considered the greatest economic crisis since the Great depression in 1920. The majority of countries went into lockdown to stop the virus from spreading, which caused major financial problems in most of them. However, there is hope for economic recovery and stabilization by focusing on public investments, such as those aimed at increasing research and development spending and productivity growth as well as greening the economy. This will not only help to address the climate crisis but will also stimulate growth in sectors in the long run.

Healthcare System
Healthcare is without a doubt the most important aspect of any society, and we must work to improve it in every way possible. The weakness of the healthcare system has come to the surface which should be a wake-up call to develop its methods. The current crisis forces the government to redirect its focus on life science, diagnostics and healthcare, as well as collaborate with the private sector. By strengthening our healthcare system and adopting a proactive mindset, we can better fight infectious diseases and, as a result, reduce the risk of future pandemics.

Education System
The pandemic has also taken a toll on the education system, which is a crucial component of the country's economic future. The methods of imparting education have undergone a significant change. We stepped out of our comfort zones and embraced newer technologies such as digital communication platforms, online classes, and work-from-home jobs. The future would have a blend of online classes and onsite classes. To manage the crisis and build a long-term resilient education system a variety of strategies are required which is needed to be implemented in a systematic manner.

Concerns Of Government
There are numerous concerns like lack of government regulations, benefits, and assistance, economic hurdles, social distancing, as well as the psychological stress we are going through. But this too shall pass with newer reforms and strategies which will gradually help our country tide over successfully. To conclude, as Helen Keller said “Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light." It expresses the need for belief, hope and family which are our pillars of strength. Things might move at a snail pace but there is always hope!


Jonathan Lockwood Huie, Encouraging Quotes to Live By
Inspirational Quotes about Life and Love, Joyful Living through Conscious Choice.

Illustrations By Tanishq Nakra


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