

Message From The Editor


“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” —Seneca
Every end always gives way to a new beginning, an ambitious start with a fresh perspective. This is exactly what our team hopes to achieve through this magazine you hold in your hand. After being dormant for last couple of years, we attempt to breathe new life into the pages of CURSOR 5.0 SICSR’s college magazine. I feel honoured and proud to bring to you this first edition after its revival, in the capacity of its editor.
Through this initiative we would like to connect the past rich legacy of SICSR with current generation and the current generation with future generations. CURSOR 5.0 would be a platform to share contributions both in the technology and business domains. It would be an opportunity for both staff and students of SICSR to exhibit their talents and nurture their hobbies. Through this we also would like to provide a sneak peek into all that’s occurring at SICSR.
This would therefore be an opportunity to engage with our esteemed alumni. I invite our alumni to generously contribute articles, interviews and share their experiences for CURSOR 5.0 and consider this as call to re-unite with your alma mater.
The tedious task of information collection, compilation and bring-up to its final form has been accomplished by a dedicated team of staff and students who deserve appreciation. May their efforts continue with new zeal and all possible support to bring many more editions CURSOR 5.0.
I would conclude this with a request for you. Nothing can be achieved without support from you, the reader. Depending on your response and contribution, we will strive to bring ‘CURSOR’ to you bi-annually or quarterly. Please do contribute and also provide your valuable suggestions and feedback to the ‘CURSOR 5.0’ team.

Best Wishes and Happy Reading
Prof. Dr. Rajashree Jain

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