

From The Deputy Director's Desk


Dear Friends!

This is a nostalgic moment for me as I write this message. It takes me back down the memory lane, where I wrote a similar message for the first version of ‘CURSOR 5.0’, which used to be a wall magazine created by MSc(CA) in 2002.

CURSOR 5.0 is the creative expression of IT minds of SICSR that has ‘blinked’ with time and has reappeared its 5th generation/incarnation.

In its new birth ‘CURSOR’ has moved from print medium to digital platform. This will help us reach a larger audience, beyond the boundaries of SICSR.The magazine will bring out talent and creativity hidden within all the stakeholders.

I would like to thank all the readers of ‘CURSOR 5.0’ and lastly would thank each and every stakeholder involved in making ‘CURSOR 5.0’ a possibility.

Best Wishes,
Harshad Gune

Deputy Director, SICSR

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